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OUR BROAD EXPERIENCE in foreign trade and international marketing provides a wealth of insight we make available to our clients. HCI has made over 500 marketing presentations  worldwide, and over the last decade we have won contracts from 7 out of 10 prospects. HCI’s proven marketing experience will help you establish the long term business relationships that result in a profitable presence in foreign markets.

Success Story
Sales Comparison Graph

Top export management companies customarily win about 1 out of 10 export bids. Due to our practical focus, bottom-line orientation and  extremely cost-effective approach, Henderson Chemicals (HCI’s  forerunner) won better than 4 out of 10 bids.

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“HCI performed with excellence in every regard... Each potential customer... made it clear that they agreed to see us only because of their respect for Hugh and HCI.”

George S. Dunlop President, Century Communications;
Former U.S. Subsecretary of Agriculture

HCI REMOVES THE GUESSWORK from international marketing with our proven ‘Export Launch Program,’ developed over 23 years of hands-on experience. HCI International Marketing Consultants can provide export advice, systems and on-site training tailored to your business needs, or we can manage a complete foreign marketing arm for your company. HCI’s marketing strategies are exceptionally bottom line oriented and practical, and include:

HCI Client Presentation
HCI international marketing consultant
International Marketing

HCI international marketing consultants offer 24 years of hands-on international marketing experience to successfully launch your company in foreign markets.